Friday, July 18, 2008

You can produce alcohol for less than $1 a gallon

You can produce alcohol for less than $1 a gallon, using a wide variety of plants and waste products, from algae to stale donuts. It's a much better fuel than gasoline, and you can use it in your car, right now. You can even use alcohol to generate electricity. Alcohol fuel production is ecologically sustainable, revitalizes farms and communities, and creates huge new opportunities for small-scale businesses. Its byproducts are clean and valuable. Alcohol has a proud history and a vital future.

To learn more, watch the Five-Minute Video, read the Two-Minute Summary, and Alcohol Can Be a Gas! book and DVD.

(((Listened to David Blume on Coast-to-Coast Thursday eve (worth listening too). He said an acre of Beets = 1,000 gallons of fuel. He also stated that anyone can get a license from the government to make alcohol legally.)))

Cheaper than gas, alcohol is a superior fuel, as it leaves no carbon behind, engines last longer, and it can free us from foreign dependence, he noted. There are some twenty different crops that can produce alcohol, and many of them, such as sugar beets, yield more alcohol per acre than corn.

Most cars can actually run with up to 50% alcohol in their tanks, without using any kind of conversion device, Blume declared, and kits can be added to vehicles for less than $300. People can get permits to create home distilleries to brew their own alcohol fuel, which enables them to be eligible for tax credits, he said. An advocate for community organizing, Blume said in many locales residents have set up driver owned stations which offer alcohol pumps.

Any natural person, sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company, corporation, association, the State of Wisconsin

Alternate fuel license are valid until canceled by the licensee or revoked by the Department.
Persons who want a fuel license must hold a Business Tax Registration (BTR) Certificate. The BTR certificate and alternate fuel license are issued by the Registration Unit in Madison, (608) 266-2776. There is no charge for the fuel license. However, there is a one-time $20 charge for the BTR certificate. The certificate is renewable every two years for $10.
The Department may require persons who are responsible for paying the alternate fuel tax to have security (e.g., cash, bond) on file. The amount of security cannot exceed three times a licensee's average monthly liability for alternate fuel tax

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Simmons and Co. "Schools Out for Summer" Energy Report Card (Hint: grades D- to F)

Easy A, B, C type SERIOUS reading...(PDF)
Summer Report Card of the Energy Sector
Simmons and Co. International are "Investment Bankers to the Energy Industry" (((They and their clients will make money, but it's going to cost you more $)))

“My grandfather rode on a camel, my father rode in a car,
I ride in a jet, my children will ride
in cars,
my grandchildren will ride on camels.”

Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum (1912 –October 7, 1990)
was the Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates from 1979 to 1990
and Emir (Ruler) of Dubai. He ruled for 32 years, until his death.
The Associated Press/IHT July 6, 2008
Emirates calls on GCC countries to depeg currencies from US dollar
The GCC members are Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Oman. All of their currencies are pegged to the dollar except Kuwait, which depegged its currency, the dinar, from the dollar in May 2007 in favor of a basket of currencies.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Alternative Energy Resource Links...

Photovoltaic Panels and Systems

Solar Water Heating


American Wind Energy Association
American Solar Energy Society
Alternative Technology Association
Colorado Solar Energy Industries Association
Climate Change News and discussions
Colorado Renewable Energy Society
Customer Utility Services in the U.K.
Cut Oil
U.S. Department of Energy
DOE Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
El Paso Solar Energy Association
Green Home Building
Iowa Renewable Energy Association
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
New Mexico Solar Energy Association
North Carolina Solar Center
Practical Ocean Energy Management Systems, Inc
Rocky Mountain Institute
SolaRoof Open Eco Wiki site


Solar Energy International
Solar Living Institute

Energy Fairs and Conferences

Energy Conferences Worldwide
List of upcoming conferences
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Sol West Renewable Energy Fair Oregon
Solar Power 2007 Long Beach, CA
Southern California Renewable Energy Expo
Sustainable Resources 2004 Boulder, CO

Magazines, Books and News

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FC's Solar Circuits
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Alternative Energy Projects

Self Powered Solar Box Furnace
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Pedal Powered Generator
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ecoZen solar cookers, electric bikes
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About My Planet PV and wind articles
Alternative Energy Base renewable energy articles
Green Collar Economy supporting the business of sustainability
US Naval Observatory Sunrise/Sunset data

Source Guides
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Hydrowatt (in German)
The Negawatt Revolution old but classic Keynote by Amory Lovins
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Web Logs Henrik Lichtenberg's blog
James' Alternative Energy Blog

Outdoor Solar Lights by Armand

Web Link Sites

Home Power Magazine's Renewable Energy Links
Sol West Renewable Energy Links Page

SolarFest Links Page

Thermo Technologies

Alternative Energy Web Ring


Energy Planet

ForceField Renewable Energy Links

cgispy Alternative Energy Resources

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Green Mountain Solar an off grid house in New Mexico
Our EcoHouse help build a green house in the UK
Solar Reviews product reviews
The Vote Solar Initiative promoting solar friendly policies